Examination Policy

General Information

 Continuous assessment is the essence of the semester system. The Institute follows semester system which is based on internal assessment. Students are evaluated on the basis of their performance in the assignments, quizzes, class participation, case studies, reports, oral examinations, mid-semester and the final examinations. The instructor can design an evaluation procedure within the course.

A broader guideline in this regard is as following:

  • Quizzes, assignments, class projects, case studies etc: 30%
  • Mid Semester Exam: 20%
  • Final Semester Exam: 50%

Mid Semester Examination

Mid Semester Examinations are conducted after 8 weeks teaching and are of 1 hour duration.

Final Semester Exam (16th Week of Semester)

The final semester exams are conducted in the 16th week of the semester. These exams are of 3 hours duration and count for about 50% of the total marks assigned to the course.

Attendance Requirement

A student having missed more than 20% of classes due to any reason whatsoever, will not be allowed to appear in the Final Examination of the said course.

Grading System

Students are awarded grades A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, E, F, I, and W for each course. These grades indicate the following level of performance. Letter grades shall be awarded at the end of each semester as per the following distribution:

A Excellent
B Good
C Satisfactory
D Minimum Acceptable
E Exemption
F Failure, the student must repeat the entire course to receive any credit
W Withdrawn from the course
I Incomplete, the student must complete within a specified time

The student’s performance over a semester is judged by Grade Points Average (GPA) Each grade is assigned Grade Points per Credit Hour according to the following table. Total grade points of a course are obtained by multiplying the GPC by the number of credit hours assigned to the course. Letter grades shall be awarded on following scheme:

Grades and Grade Points Grade

Marks Grade GPC (Grade Points/Credit Hour)
86-100 A 4.00
82-85 A- 3.67
78-81 B+ 3.33
74-77 B 3.00
70-73 B- 2.67
66-69 C+ 2.33
62-65 C 2.00
58-61 C- 1.67
54-57 D+ 1.33
50-53 D 1.00
Below 50 F 0.00
Withdrawn W No Credit, not counted in the calculation of GPA
Incomplete I No Credit, not counted in the calculation of GPA


Grade Point Average (GPA) shall be computed by multiplying the number of credit hours of each course by the grade points assigned to grade earned, then dividing the sum of these products by the total number of credit hours in which the student was registered in a semester.


Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) shall be calculated by summing all the earned grade points divided by the total number of registered credit hours during the program.

Probation & Expulsion

  • A student shall be on probation if he/she fails to attain CGPA required to qualify the degree.
  • If a student stays on probation for two consecutive semesters he/she shall cease to be the student of the university.