
Calculus and Analytical Geometry

Course ID
Software Engineering
Chella Campus
3 + 0

Course Outlines:

Analytical Geometry:

Review of vectors, scalars and vector products

Three dimensional coordinate system and equation of straight line and plane

Functions Limit and Continuity:

Review of functions and graphs,

Limits & Continuity,

Techniques of Finding Limits,


Limits of Sine and Cosine and Exponential Functions


Introduction to Derivatives

Tenses in English Grammar

Examples of Derivatives

Derivative as Rate of Change

Derivative’s Rules

Implicit Differentiation

Higher order derivatives

Leibnitz Theorem

Applications of Derivatives:

Applications of Derivatives

Monotonic functions

Optimization problems

Relative and Absolute extrema

First and second derivative tests

Point of inflection



Indeterminate Forms and L’ Hospital rule



Integrals and Properties of Integrals

Techniques of Integration

Integration by Parts

Definite Integrals

Integration of Trigonometric

Exponential and Inverse Functions

Integration by Partial Fractions

Reduction Rules

Applications of Integration:

Applications of Integration

Area under the curve

Area between curves

Solids of Revolution

Volume of Solids of revolution by disk

washer, Cylindrical shell & Cross Section Methods

Center of Pressure and Depth of Center of Pressure

Center of mass

Arc length

Improper Integrals:

Improper Integral

Convergence of improper integrals

Infinite Sequence and Series:

Sequence and Infinite Series

Convergence and Divergence of sequences and series

Positive Term Series

Integral Test

Basic Comparison Test

Limit Comparison Test

Ratio and Root tests

Alternating series

Absolute and Conditional Convergence

Power and Taylor Series:

Power series

Maclaurin and Taylor Series and its Applications

Course Learning Outcomes

Understand the idea of rate of change using the concepts of limits and conitnuity.

Use the techniques of integration for solving and analyzing problems in integral calculus

Use the vector calculus and analytical geometry in multiple dimensions to solve different problems.

Teaching Methodology (Proposed as applicable):

Lectures (audio/video aids), Written Assignments/ Quizzes, Tutorials, Case Studies relevant to engineering disciplines, Semester Project, Guest Speaker, Industrial/ Field Visits, Group discussion, Report Writing


Mid Term, Report writing/ Presentation, Assignments, Project Report, Quizzes, Final Term

Suggested Books:

Thomas’ Calculus by George B. Thomas, Jr., Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass,Pearson, USA..

Swokowski, Onlinick & Pence: Calculus

Robert T. Smith & Roland B. Minton: Calculus

Calculus: Early Transcendentals by James Stewart. Brooks/Cole USA.

Sadat Ali Shah. Exploring The World Of English

J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet. Practical English Grammar, “UniversityPhysics”, latest Edition

There are 133 total credit hours to complete the Software Engineering degree.