Engr.Ahmed Khawaja

Department of Software Engineering

Engr. Ahmed Khawaja



Computer Vision ,Digital Image processing ,Machine learning and Deep learning


Ahmed Khawaja completed BS from NUST College of EME in Computer Engineering, with FYP in Implimentaion of Phusical layer of Link 16 bases Tactical data network on FPGA and DSP kit. He Completed his MS from NUST College of EME in Computer Engineering with specialization in Computer vision and Machine learning with thesis title “ Automatic detection and classification of melanoma in dermoscopic images using hybrid features”.


  • M.S. in Computer Engineering from National University of Science and Technology(NUST),Islamabad in 2017
  • BS in Computer Engineering from National University of Science and Technology(NUST),Islamabad in 2012,

Industrial Experience

  • During MS studies Engr. Ahmed Khawaja worked in national and multi national companies on different projects. He worked as Assistant manager in Shaqurri international Pvt ltd and manages Main switch center (Telenor) activities Nation wide. In 2015 he joined ZTE pvt ltd as Cluster Owner in AJK and GB region on MS Telenor project. He is also a member of team who is pioneer of launching 4g LTE in AJK


  • Computer Vision , Digital Logic Design , Simulation and Modeling , Machine Learning , Artificial Intelligence , Digital Communication