Shopify One Day Workshop

NAVTTC CIT students, organized a one day workshop on SHOPIFY on November 15, 2021. Shiba Traz Iftikhar was the speaker / instructor. She shows how to set up an online store. The following topics were discussed, and participants were given hands-on experience.

  • Shopify
  • Shopify Partner
  • Types of Stores
  • Theme Customization
  • Apps Integrations
  • Shipping Methods
  • Payment Integrations

Dr. Naeem, Director of ORIC, was the special guest. He admires the efforts of Engr.Awais Rathore, CIT course instructor, for providing these opportunities to students. He gave the instructor an appreciation certificate and a shield.. He also congratulated the Coordinator of the Department of Software Engineering, Engr.Dr.Ghulam Sarwar, as well as all faculty members, lab engineers, and support staff, on the successful organization of this one-day workshop.

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